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Media Specialist Mariah Oates

Case Studies

Diggin Thru The Crates (DTTC)

Service Provided: Media Relations + Influencer Management for


Result: Created sponsorship deck to support securing partners, secured over 5 media placements, invited influencers + special guests to D.T.T.C events.

Malcolm Jamal-Warner

Service Provided: Media Relations

Result: Secured 14 media placements in 30 days in promotion of his film “Word Warrior III”

The Black Hair Experience

Service Provided: Full Service Retainer Client (Media Relations, Audience Engagement, Digital + Influencer Management, Partnerships)


Result: Secured over 25 media placements, assisted with event planning and management for seven pop-up grand openings for the selfie museum, over seven influencer + media-only preview events, and a host of partnership events, assisted with facilitating over 15 partnership opportunities.

Yvonne Orji

Service Provided: Media Relations for 1 tour stop

Results: Secured two radio interviews on DC’s largest morning shows in under 4 days.

Build Your Own Brand Retreat (BYOB)

Service Provided: Event Management + Media Relations

Result: Assisted with event planning, attendee communications (including speakers + media, and on-site media relations + talent management for a 2,000+ attendee event over a 3 day weekend.

Miss Louisiana 2018


Service Provided: Audience Engagement

Result: Secured media placement in two markets, increased reach by 4000, secured brand partnership with the National Alliance on Mental Illness to host mental health seminars in schools and host 500+ attendee mental health walk.


Media Specialist Mariah Oates

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